Monday, January 26, 2015

Tan with the pearls

Have been a bad bad blogger lately, and I have just the regular excuse, had to work a lot, and still have, but I really miss the all blogging process of taking photos and editing them. And talking about editing, I finally found out (just looked in google, dont know why I didnt do it before) why blogger changes the colors of my photos, if you have similar problem solution is HERE ! Now my photos here look exactly like in program where I edited them, yesss...

Last week I had huge inspiration to go thrifting, and I went to all the my local thrift shops, and found some pretty nice stuff, I was very happy, because lately I havent had luck to find anything great. So I guess atleast next two posts will be about my thrift finds. And so is this post - I found this coat for only ! 2 EUR !, it cant be cheaper than this - coat had defects, the lining was damaged, but as I have sewing machine, it wasnt problem, also I didnt take this coat to dry cleaning because then I would not have this feeling that I had great deal, because dry clean is expensive, instead I washed this coat in 30 degrees in washing machine, and  all went good, nothing bad happened to my coat. I also doesnt trust dry cleaning, because they have been damaged my coat before..

Wearing: Thrifted coat, jumper and jeans, Jeffrey Campbell sneakers, Asos sunglasses, River Island earrings.



  1. Hei thriftshops labāki par sale . Es līdzīgu mēteli mērīju uz altaidēm, pat zinot, ka man patīk drēbes par lielu, šis bij diezgan par lielu, bet pa 2€ es uz izmēru vispār meskatītos.... patika kā tu šodien sakārdināji ar posta tuvošanos :) man bija tādas pašas asos brilles, vīrs nodeva mašīnu lūžņos ar visām brillēm :)

    1. Man jau šis arī par lielu - Uk14 izmērs, ja ieskatās var redzēt ka par lielu, bet no otras puses tādus jau tagad mēteļus speciāli taisa, tā kā jā, nevarēju neņemt.. :)
      Šitās brilles diezgan pasen pirku, bet joprojām ļoti patīk, vispār reti man tā ir, ātri viss apnīk.:) Žēl ka tev tā ar brillēm izgāja, bet domāju ka var jau tagad arī kaut ko līdzīgu atrast..

    2. eju uz marks and spencers varbūt viņiem tas mētelis.... tu zini, ka ļoti iedvesmo:), jā patika, bet gājējs lai iet...starpcitu ha ha ha auskari ar man līdzīgi :)

  2. Tavi atradumi ir fantastiski!!!! Es gribu ar tevi doties shoppingaaa, ja. Es sen neesmu bijusi musu bodites, bet laikam bus viendien jasanemas un jaaiziet. Tu iedvesmo. Gaidu jau nakamo postu. Matelis fantastiks un pa tadu cenu ka zadziba :) Izskaties lieliski!

    1. Man ir viens ieteikums, kad ej uz šiem veikaliem apskati cauri visu - jo bieži ir tā ka ieeju veikalā un šķiet ai te jau nekas nebūs, jo ātri pārlaižot acis tā izskatās, bet kad sāku visu apskatīt kārtīgi, var tomēr par brīnumu atrast šo to, lai gan ir jau arī reizes kad neko neatrodu. Tā kā svarīgi tiešām iet uz turieni kad ir iedvesma un pacietība rakt! :D

  3. Love the coat - and so impressed that it was thrifted! Love your style and this whole look, will be following your blog :) x

  4. Never saw a shoes like that :) Awesome! <3
