Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Wearing: Nasty Gal hat and jacket - Just female jeans - Zara boots - Asos top - thrifted belt.

Few days ago happened something sad - the dog caught a little bird and injured it very badly, he could fly a little bit, but his leg was broken and also he had some wound near the wing - we took it in the house, and it stayed overnight in the house- in the morning I looked at him and he was so scared and sad but at the same he was moving and flying a lot in the cage, and I was thinking, I can keep it in cage, and probably he will die of stress and that he isn't eating there, or I can let it out and he will be happy at the environment in which he is used and it will be up to him, find food and live. So I let him out on the tree and then watched it for some time, it just sat on branch and wasn't looking for food, as I hoped..And then another bird started to attack him, and they both flew into some bushes, where I lost him, I was searching and searching but nothing.. I just cried all day after that, because I was feeling that I shouldn't let him out in -7C temperature, and was imagining as it is freezing and just dying.. But on other hand, it would die in home anyway, and it probably felt  very much pain, because of broken leg.. I just don't know if I did it right.
 What I  hate the most is that I have lived so long but I dont know how to actually help a little bird, no one teaches such important things in school, and in real live no one cares about such a small animal, I know if I would took him to vet, they would be smiling stupidly and would suggest to euthanize it, if its even possible for very small bird (it was titmouse with yellow belly).
 I believe its wrong to say say you are animal lover, but you really care only for cats and dogs - cows, pigs chickens you eat, wood animals hunters shoot all the time for fun (but they say that its necessary, to control animal population, and they are the ones that care for these animals by feeding them in winter, really?And after that just killing them, just wrong..).
If you love you love all the animals as simple as it sounds. 
Just love and care about all. Sorry that this long text isnt about fashion or my outfit, just my heart hurts really bad about all the animals who are suffering at this moment, and about the little bird with yellow belly..I just wish this world would be a different place..



  1. Es domaju, ja tu putninu vairs nevareji atrast, tad vins aizlidoja. Tu rikojies pareizi. Loti zel, ka veterinararsti nepalidzetu. Un ja runajam par medibam es nekad nesapratisu medniekus,manuprat, tas ir kaut kads cilveka komplekss vai ieksejais trukums. Tas ir briesmigi. Bet tas ir tikai mans viedoklis, es domaju, ka atrastos loti daudzi, kas man nepiekristu.
    Cepure loti forsa. Man loti patik cepures diemzel tik pagasgad un sogad vel nav izdevies kadu platmali nesat, jo mums ir loti vejains.

    xoxo Ra

    1. Jā, es arī no vienas puses tomēr ceru ka putniņš bija tomēr diezgan veikls un varēja aizlidot, un izdzīvot..
      Par medībām, viens no viņu galvenajiem argumentiem, ka tā ir tradīcija kas ir jau no seniem laikiem, tikai viens, bet - mūsdienās kad ir gaļas industriālā ražošana, medībām vairs nav tā galvenā barības sagādāšanas nozīme kā tas bija senāk, līdz ar to manuprāt tā tradīcija ir tikai kā neētiksa izklaide..
      Man šādas cepures ir ļoti iepatikušās, bet grūti atrast tādu kas piestāv un der - piemēram sī īsti neder, jo ir par lielu, un vējā noteikti aizlidotu..:D Tā kā es turpinu cepuru medības :)

  2. gorgeous outfit! xx

    i also have a big beauty giveaway on my blog, check it out if you'd like!

  3. patika tavs raxtiitais....zini, kad lasiitais ir kkaa veerts, aizkustina un like aizdomaaties....par putninu nebeedaa....viss naak un aizet taalumaa.... bet tas ka tevii ir taadas iipashiibas...tas ka tu vari raudaat tas ir zinu ir taa ir bijis, biezhi...viss uz ko reageejam paliidz mums pashiem ieskatiities sevii un tu vari buut prieciiga ka tevii ir shii zheelsirdiibaa..... cepure ljoti ar taadu gribas...peec peleekaam aitaam baltas naak...un janvaaris tak slaven ar tiem blues :) hei kjiinieshu jaungads tuvojas...svinam svinam svinam x

  4. love every single piece from this look!

    xxo from NYC :)

  5. Uzskatu, ka tu rīkojies pareizi, jo kā jau teici, ka putniņš mājās vienalga būtu nomiris, un putniņam pavisam noteikti bija liels stress, visu dzīvi bija nodzīvojis brīvībā. Diemžēl, laikam jau tā ir, ka ne vienmēr varam visiem palīdzēt. :/ Domāju, ka putniņš aizlidoja, jo kā jau teici, lauzta bija kājiņa nevis spārniņš! Cerēsim uz to labāko! :)
    Runājot par outfit'u man ļoti patīk tavas bikses, it īpaši tāpēc ka tās ir ar augsto jostas vietu, jo cik esmu novērojusi (arī veikalā strādājot) tagad visas lielākoties low waist bikses, kas man pašai tik ļoti nemaz nepatīk!

    1. Jā, cerams ka putniņam viss kārtībā..:)
      Bikses ar augsto jostasvietu ir diezgan pagrūti atrast, un pat ja atrodu bieži tās bikses nav tādas kā gribētos - nesen pasūtīju vienas melnas, bet dzīvē tā jostas vieta izrādījās zemāka nekā vajadzētu..:( Patiesībā manuprāt šādas bikses ziemas laikā ir diezgan praktiskas, jo siltāk ar tādām :)

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  8. Ah I'm loving your Outfit, especially the hat and jacket in combination with the great pants! xx

  9. really love your whole outfit, perfect, so stylish <3
    you look amazing with red lips without make-up on eyes <3
    kisses x

  10. Cool boots :)

  11. look nice !

  12. The look is so pretty, but the story so sad! But these kind of birds can't live in cage, so I think you make the right choice (it's even harder to find him dead in the cage, then not knowing if he is dead or alive !)

  13. Such a beautiful Outfit <3
